Organize Waste Items At Your Restaurant

Posted on: 7 October 2017


If you have been dumping grease and leftover food into trash cans on your restaurant's property, you have probably dealt with the unpleasant task of needing to clean out each can's interior after trash is picked up by a waste management company. Instead of continuing to toss items into the trash in a haphazard manner, organize waste materials before placing them in containers by using the advice below:

Allow Grease To Solidify Before Disposing Of It

Designate a large plastic bucket to be used as a collection device for fresh grease. After cooking meals, pour grease into the bucket and secure a lid to the top of the bucket. After the bucket becomes filled with grease, carry the bucket outdoors and place it near the edge of your commercial property. After several days have passed, the grease will solidify. When this occurs, use a small shovel to scoop up the hardened grease and place the grease inside of a heavy duty trash bag. Tie the top of the bag before hoisting the bag into a trash can or rental dumpster. 

Attempt To Use Or Donate Leftovers And Seal Items Placed In Trash

Instead of throwing food items away at the end of the day, consider reheating the leftovers and serving them as a daily special or potluck dinner. Encourage people to order the food items by offering them for a special rate that will provide clients with a considerable amount of savings. If the food items do not sell, donate them to citizens or organizations in need.

Any items that are not accepted will need to be thrown away. To avoid creating messes in waste containers or needing to contend with foul odors, pack the leftovers in sturdy bags that seal or a bucket that has a lid before placing the bags or bucket into a waste receptacle.

Rent A Dumpster With A Lid And Containers For Recyclables

If you do not already have a dumpster on your property, call a waste collection facility and request that a rental dumpster that has an attached lid is dropped off on your property. When the dumpster is delivered, specify that you would like the dumpster placed in the corner of your property so that it won't be in the way when patrons enter or exit your restaurant.

Collect trash from the inside of your business at the end of each work shift and place the trash inside of bags before setting them in the dumpster. If recyclables are often thrown away, purchase or rent containers for metal or tin cans, cardboard, and any other materials that can be recycled. 

Contact a dumpster service for more information and assistance.